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The 5th edition of a multi-disciplinary festival with numerous activities held throughout 31days on Ibiza. The theme this year is MULTIVERSE, Parallel Universes.

Based on its ethos “Art is for everybody” events and activities inspired around Art, Music, Technology and Education are held all for free.

Graffiti, interactive installations, photography, workshops, installations, concerts, parties, contests, painting are just a part of the tightly packed programme. In the past editions, just in the field of street art, BLOOP has welcomed the likes such as the photo- journalist who pinned the underground socio-art movement Graffiti, Martha Cooper; some of the most powerful figures today, Interesni Kazki, Phlegm…

In the Far de ses Coves Blanques and elsewhere, new murals for the ‘Openair Gallery’ will be paint which in recent years has filled several walls in Sant Antoni, or space ‘Bloop kids’ children will be created in addition to the concerts.

The Opening Party will take place on the 15th from 23:00 in FORMA with the aural backdrop of Freakatronic, Digital Genetic Pasta (BLOOP Festival`s sound curator), Dario Rossi Techno Drummer and more.

On the 16th July the BLOOP Headquarters Museum reveals the soul of the edition 2015 with a video/interactive installation by Lo Spino and the mastermind of Pineapple Crocodile and more artists.

Among many other events, which the festival will be holding there will be the first round of BLOOP Drive-in by noreason productions re-edited and scored by Pineapple Crocodile on the 19th July from 23:00 at the parking space of Benimussa Park; revival of an old school entertainment whilst paying homage to cinema and music of all eras.


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