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Calle Libre - Festival for Urban Aesthetics 2015 is a street art festival taking place in Vienna.  Wir freuen uns auch heuer wieder die Stadt Wien verschönern zu dürfen. Nach einem erfolgreichen Festivalstart 2014 haben wir uns heuer abermals vorgenommen, den grauen Wänden von Wien Farbe einzuhauchen. Wir freuen uns besonders über ein tolles Line Up und bedanken uns jetzt schon bei den beteiligten Künstlern: KASHINK, MILLO, KOZ DOS, PERFEKT WORLD, FRAU ISA.
Past Event

'Drips and Runs' is an art event streamed live online once every month with 6 or so different artists collaborating on a white wall hosted at Juno Bar in Shoreditch. The featured artists are:Ali Hamish http://alihamish.tumblr.com/Amara Por Dios http://www.amarapordios.com/Pang http://globalstreetart.com/pangThe Real Dill http://www.therealdill.co.uk/
Past Event

Urban in Ibiza is an annual festival held in Paradise, showcasing the best in street/contemporary art, music and fashion. This year they celebrate seventh edition with exhibitions, djs and live painting with: Inkie, Fin Dac, Elmo Hood, Zeus, #codefc, SR47 and Yared Nigussu. With this year’s exhibition showcasing works from the likes of Banksy, Inkie, Hush, Pam Glew, Goldie, Fin Dac and many more of the high fliers from the scene, it’s a perfect opportunity to be able to view works by artists ...Read more
Past Event

Braziliarty & Pigment present LATA, Street Culture Festival brings Graffiti Art outdoor live painting and exhibition, film and workshops to the Red Gallery and walls surrounding one of the most visible corners of Old Street, London. The first LATA is dedicated to Brazilian artists presenting the work of established talent and promoting aspiring ones. The artists will be painting the walls around Red Gallery between 5th and 8th August, closely interacting with the public, that can also enjoy t ...Read more
Past Event

The “International Meeting of Styles” is an international network of graffiti and streetartists. As its name says, is a meeting of styles, created in order to support the netting of the international art-community. It is not meant to be a forum only for classical and traditional Graffiti-Artists and -Writers, but a podium to present all different types of urban art!  More information about the location will follow.
Past Event

Europe’s largest street art & graffiti festival is back in 2015! Bristol is famed for being the home of Banksy, but we have many exciting young street painters. Bristol’s home grown talent will be joined by over 250 of the most diverse and cutting edge urban painters from around the world. Watch them create their vibrant works of art in south Bristol to a live soundtrack of funk, soul, reggae and hip hop.  
Past Event

The “International Meeting of Styles” is an international network of graffiti and streetartists. As its name says, is a meeting of styles, created in order to support the netting of the international art-community. It is not meant to be a forum only for classical and traditional Graffiti-Artists and -Writers, but a podium to present all different types of urban art! More information about the location will follow.
Past Event

The “International Meeting of Styles” is an international network of graffiti and streetartists. As its name says, is a meeting of styles, created in order to support the netting of the international art-community. It is not meant to be a forum only for classical and traditional Graffiti-Artists and -Writers, but a podium to present all different types of urban art! France is part of the Meeting of Styles since its early days. After being held in Paris and Lyon the festival now resides in Perpignan, ...Read more
Past Event

The 5th edition of a multi-disciplinary festival with numerous activities held throughout 31days on Ibiza. The theme this year is MULTIVERSE, Parallel Universes. Based on its ethos “Art is for everybody” events and activities inspired around Art, Music, Technology and Education are held all for free. Graffiti, interactive installations, photography, workshops, installations, concerts, parties, contests, painting are just a part of the tightly packed programme. In the past editions, ju ...Read more
Past Event

The “International Meeting of Styles” is an international network of graffiti and streetartists. As its name says, is a meeting of styles, created in order to support the netting of the international art-community. It is not meant to be a forum only for classical and traditional Graffiti-Artists and -Writers, but a podium to present all different types of urban art! After a great event with many painting spots spread among an entire hood and a great rooftop-party, End Of The Line brings back Meeting ...Read more
Past Event

In einer Zeit, in der Graffiti und Streetart vermischt und unter dem verwässerten Begriff der Urban Art quer über Genregrenzen hinweg agieren, fokussiert Paul Busk sich auf Analogien, die historisch konträr zu dieser Entwicklung verlaufen – die Galerie INOPERAbLE widmet ihm vom 3. Juli bis 29. August 2015 eine Einzelausstellung.Paul Busk ist kein Bilder hortender Atelierkünstler, der bei Ausstellungen Werke aus seinem bestehenden Fundus präsentiert. Vielmehr verschafft er sich durch di ...Read more
Past Event

Galerie 36em Art presents “Enjoy the life” Galerie 36em Art preseQui sommes-nous ? Inaugurée le 12 juillet 2014, la galerie 36e Art s’inscrit comme l’émergente et nouvelle galerie d’exposition déodatienne. Située au cœur du centre ville et de sa rue Thiers, elle se laisse découvrir au public dans l’appartement de son responsable Romain Durain, au premier étage d’un bâtiment de l’après-guerre. Ce nouvel espace de 66m² où s’oublie totalement l’existence premi ...Read more
Past Event

Summer Break Geneva is gathering DJs, graffiti artists and hip hop dancers during the entire summer in Geneva. Get inspired by break dancers with their crews and join one of the 30 open-air free events.Graffiti artists attending the festival will include Bandi, Tones or Jazi, dancers and local and international DJs. It’s time to get funky, party or chill-out during a BBQ with a couple of surprises to be expected. The festival will end on September 4th (sad, sad times ahead) with a dance bat ...Read more
Past Event

Plastic Murs presents a solo show by Twee Muizen.The pair of Galician artists, Cristina and Denis Galocha Barrientos, who make up this team, created a neo surrealistic world of pop, based on the popular ethnography of the northern countries in which animals, humans, vegetation and contemporaneity merge, to show a new vision of pagan rituals that no longer seeks to frighten, but to create a friendly aesthetic, of soft touch and profound message. The Twee Muizen paintings and art toys come from of ...Read more
Past Event

The Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga  presens the first solo exhibition in a Spanish museum on the artist D*Face  curated by Fernando Francés, features 39 works by this British artist including silkscreens, framed stencils, sculptures and paintings on a range of supports. Wasted Youth constitutes an important retrospective on projects devised and created by the artist over the course of his fifteen years of creative activity. D*Face’s work is influenced by the skate culture of his yo ...Read more
Past Event

Past Event

The “International Meeting of Styles” is an international network of graffiti and street artists. As its name says, is a meeting of styles, created in order to support the netting of the international art-community. It is not meant to be a forum only for classical and traditional Graffiti-Artists and -Writers, but a podium to present all different types of urban art! It seems like 2015 will be a special year for the German Meeting in its hometown Wiesbaden. Currently the local organisation is checki ...Read more
Past Event

Step In The Arena 2015 will take place on the 6th and 7th of June in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. It's the 6th Anniversy this year! Young graffiti artist are given the opportunity to work with pro’s from the graffiti scene, national and international artists. Step in the Arena is one of the biggest graffiti / street-art festivals in Europe. Step In The Arena will be held for the fifth time this year.  
Past Event

The “International Meeting of Styles” is an international network of graffiti and street artists. As its name says, is a meeting of styles, created in order to support the netting of the international art-community. It is not meant to be a forum only for classical and traditional Graffiti-Artists and -Writers, but a podium to present all different types of urban art! Obviously the Italian Organisation is not satisfied with the great success of 2014… this must be the reason why they are planning big ...Read more
Past Event

Das mittlerweile dritte mal findet  Völklingen die UrbanArt Biennale statt. Mit der UrbanArt Biennale zeigt das Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte alle zwei Jahre bedeutende Positionen der Kunst, die sich aus dem Graffiti entwickelt haben. Ab Ende März gibt es neben einer großen Sammelausstellung in der „Möllerhalle“ mit dem „UrbanArt Parcours“  Installationen und weitere Ausstellungsräume auf dem Gelände des Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte.
Past Event