United Kingdom


Bristol,United Kingdom

Since the end of 2003 graffiti has been on the increase across Bristol. It was recognised that a multi-agency approach was needed to tackle the problem and the graffiti partnership was set up in early 2004. It was recognised that law enforcement is not the only answer to this complex form of criminality and the Bristol strategy had at its heart, law enforcement, crime reduction, diversion and education. The project involved identifying hotspot areas, monitoring and mapping prolific tags and increasing resources for enforcement, arrest and prosecution.
To date there have been 13 arrests, two successful convictions, one awaiting sentence, four cautioned and six on police bail whilst further enquires are made. One artist was subject to a ten year Anti-social Behaviour Order - to date the longest handed out by any Bristol Court.
Further analysis will be made of any reduction in graffiti as the project progresses. Already, since the arrest of a particularly prolific tagger, the occurrence of graffiti has decreased. As yet community art projects have not been subject to further graffiti/vandalism. Media coverage has been extensive and positive.


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