Painter, illustrator, graphic designer and graffiti artist, Rems 182’s imagery unites violence, eroticism, and strength in both large-scale and smaller portraits characterised by a use of multiple perspectives that create a unique softness in each image that allows the various expressions to complement each other while revealing the complexities of human emotion
Having a background as a graffiti writer his work combines both letter-based and complex figurative images, or as the artist himself explains: “I fuse my graffiti writer language with my modern figurative art experience in perennial tension towards abstract disaggregation.”
“Abstract Tension” has been divided into two parts. In the first one we find six works where the artist focuses on the female figure and the relationship between graffiti and modern figurative art, whilst in the second part of the show we find a collaborative body of work with Fabiano Zanino, fusing a deconstructed animal world with graffiti.
“Abstract Tension” runs until Dec. 8th at the gallery located on Via Cesare Battisti in Venaria, Turin, Italy.