Art der Reaktion Umgebung & Infrastruktur
Vollzug - Prävention

Schlüsselschritt Wissen


There are two main groups of reporting techniques: On the one hand, collaborative tools to report graffiti vandalism, using websites, apps or the telephone. On the other hand, internal strategies of transport operators to report graffiti’ incidents and costs to the police.

One of the most used techniques to report graffiti vandalism is a collaborative tool. This app has different names and exists in the four participating countries. Civil society and citizens in general are the targeted groups: with this app, they can report to the municipality or the transport company, depending on the cases, if there are graffiti both in public spaces and transportation networks.

In the Austrian case, the user can send pictures, like Mach Mit and Schau auf Linz apps developed by private companies and used by local administrations. Differently in the Catalan network of trains (FGC) the app has a specific category for graffiti, and the user only reports the existing of graffiti.

In the UK, the applications to send reports and to be informed about the graffiti's situation are very common at the local level, such as Love Clean Streets application that includes both an app and a website, the reports of the citizens are automatically sent to the authorities.  


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