Art der Reaktion Kooperation

Schlüsselschritt Umsetzung


Artist Quarters proposes artists run spaces. Various cities already have Art Quarters (e.g. Budapest, Gothenburg) that focus on contemporary art. It seems possible to follow up these examples and create Artist Quarters in many cities where visual artists can have studios and manage the spaces they work. This could include street artists/ graffiti writers, as well as various practitioners such as sculptors, painters, film-makers, jewellery designers, etc., which has the potential to develop a dialogue between various practitioners and lead to collaborative practices. This way street artists would be a part of that environment and be able to make use of the open spaces. A quarter could involve studio spaces as well as exhibition spaces and entertainment areas.
The envisioned benefits (which are multi-actor orientated) are:

  • Bringing various artists together.
  • Quarter can be placed in cultural areas, which can decrease disturbances to people who are not interested in street art.
  • Could provide affordable spaces – see for example, Artists’ workplace study (2014) commissioned by Major of London reflects that affordable artists’ workspace is a valuable, yet vulnerable asset in London and suggests that creative consideration should be given to how to best create new artists’ work-space. For example, in terms of London this kind of activities would help “ensure that London remains a capital of cultural content”.
  • Self-managed, therefore lower costs for local authorities.


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