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Public Transport


Postboks 363,2630,Taastrup,Denmark

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DSB uses about 25 million a year to clean up graffiti and other vandalism. The vast majority of the graffiti made on commuter trains and cleaning of trains and stations is expensive. DSB's passengers feel unsafe using the train or stay on stations that are filled with graffiti. Furthermore, there are chemicals in the paint spray, which destroy the surface of the trains. Therefore, using DSB and the police for many hours and money to catch vandalism men.

The first experience with graffiti in Denmark led in the mid-1980s to study with legal graffiti at selected locations. However, it has since been discovered that graffiti painters do not think it's just as exciting when the graffiti made legal. The legal graffiti evolved into criminal groups who made both illegal graffiti and exercised violence and vandalism elsewhere.


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