Project location Graffiti
The project site Graffiti coordinated all activities for the prevention, elimination and punishment of color graffiti within the city administration. In addition, it serves as a contact for Justice, initiatives, associations and other municipalities.
"Together Against Graffiti" Rules Partnership against vandalism color
For a clean and safe city, the city of Bonn, the police Bonn, DB Station & Service AG, the Federal Police of Cologne and Haus & Grund Bonn / Rhein-Sieg eV have "Together Against Graffiti" together in a fine partnership. The objective is not only to remove graffiti and to reduce, but to raise the awareness of the population.
2013, the project of the group was a week of action against color graffiti, which took play from 12.07. to 17.07.2013. There were among others briefings for affected homeowners and an exhibition. In addition, what companies were able to demonstrate how it can be removed color graffiti.
The city provides graffiti removal service through its Graffiti-Hotline.
Graffiti-Hotline: +49 (0) 228 77 55 76
Mo - Thu: 09:00 - 15:00
Fr: 09:00 - 12:00